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NTU Research Center for Future Earth


The 1st Pan-Pacific Anthropocene Pre-conference Workshop


Date: July 10, 2018

Venue: Room 213, the Department of Geosciences, NTU

Workshop Objectives

  1. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss following issues. They are: to determine the 1st-phase of all sections of Pan-Pacific Anthropocene, and how to run:
  2. the 2nd formal 1-day preconference workshop on the Pan-Pacific Anthropocene during October 26-31,
  3. the 1st conference on the Pan-Pacific Anthropocene in Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center (rooms 401 and 507) on May 13-17, 2019,
  4. the following annual conferences, and
  5. the establishment of the Association of Pan-Pacific Anthropocene (APPA).

Schedule of the workshop

  • 10:00-10:30 am: The structure and goal of the future Association of Pan-Pacific Association and annual conferences.
  • 10:30-11:00 am: Time table of the 4-year 1st phase, 2019-2023.
  • 11:00-11:30 am: Sessions/Plenary Lecture/keynote speeches for 1st conference.
  • 11:30 am-12:00 pm: Agenda of the 2nd workshop (1 day during Oct 26-31).
  • 12:00 -12:30 pm: Overall discussion
  • 12:30: Lunch

Sections and Chairs

  1. Climate observations and simulations: Dr. Huang-Hsiung Hsu (RCEC-AS), Dr. John Chiang (UC Berkeley).
  2. Historical record: Dr. Pao-Kuan Wang (RCEC-AS), Dr. Kam-Biu Liu (College of the Coast & Environment, Louisiana State U, USA).
  3. Terrestrial proxy records: Dr. Liangcheng Tan (Institute of Earth Environment, CAS, Xi’an), Dr. Ashish Sinha (Dept. Earth Sciences, California State U).
  4. Marine proxy records: Dr. Kristine DeLong (Dept Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State U, USA), Dr. Yusuke Yokoyama (U Tokyo, Japan).
  5. Anthropogenic geohazard: Dr. Tso-Ren Wu (NCU), Adam Switzer (EOS, Nanyang Tech U, Singapore).
  6. Topography and geomorphology: Dr. Jiun-Chuan Lin (Geography, NTU), Dr. Margot Keiler (University of Bern, Switzerland).
  7. Biodiversity: Dr. Hsieh Chih-Hao (Ocean, NTU), Dr. I-Ching Chen (Life Sciences, NCKU).
  8. Archaeology and civilization: Dr. Ivy Hui-Yuan Yeh (School of Humanities, Nanyang Tech U, Singapore), Dr. Felicia Beardsley (U La Verne, USA).