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NTU Research Center for Future Earth


Workshop: Common Issues on Environmental for Taiwan and Spain


Date: July 17, 2018

Venue: B1 Conference Room, the Department of Geosciences, NTU

About Workshop
Taiwanese and Spanish representatives of National Taiwan University (NTU), NTU Research Center for Future Earth (NTURCFE), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), University of Malaga (UMA), National Distance Education University (UNED)present their results about common problems of the environment. The Bilateral Workshop is organized by the NTURCFE and it will aim to establish contacts intended to possible future collaboration on issues of common interest between Spanish Academy of Sciencesand NTU.

8:50-9:00 am: Opening and welcome remarks
Prof. Luisa Shu-Ying Chang, Vice President for International Affairs, NTU
Prof. Shiuh-Tzung Liu, Dean of College of Science, NTU
Mr. Jose Luis Echaniz Cobas, Director General of Spanish Chamber of Commerce
Prof. Ching-Hua Lo, Director of NTU RCFE

Session 1/Chair: Prof. Shang Lien Lo (NTU)
9:00-9:20 am:  Prof. Maria Olga Guerrero Perez (UMA)

Erasmus Mundus EurasiaCat: an Sample fo a succesful European-Asiatic collaborations

9:20-9:40 am:  Prof. Rosa Maria Martin Aranda (UNED)
Green Chemistry and mesoporous materials

9:40-10:00 am:  Prof. Miguel Á. Bañares (CSIC)
Spectroscopic operando and monitoring approaches to understand catalysts at work

10:10-10:20 am: Prof. Maria Olga Guerrero Perez (UMA)
V-containing mixed oxide Catalysts for Reduction-Oxidation based Reactions with Environmental Applications

10:20-10:40 am: Round Table Discussion: Horizon 2020

Session 2/Chair: Prof. Miguel Á. Bañares (CSIC)
10:40-11:00 am: Prof. Shang Lien Lo (NTU)
Extraction of Indium from Waste Liquid Crystal Display by Supported Liquid Membrane with Strip

11:00-11:20 am: Prof. Chia-Hung Hou (NTU)
Capasitive Electrodes for Environmental Technology

11:20-11:40 am: Prof. Pei-Jen Chen (NTU)
Establishing toxicity assays with medaka fish to assess the bioavailability and toxicity of heavy metal-contaminated sediment

11:40am-12:00 pm: Prof. Sofia Ya Hsuan Liou (NTU)
Synthesis of high selectivity in the chlorine evolution reaction materials for ammonia transformation to nitrogen

12:00-14:00 pm: Lunch

Round Table Discussion: Prof. Sofia Ya Hsuan Liou (NTU)
14:00-14:20 pm: Dr. Li Cheng Kao
Synthesis, characterization, and crystal nucleation pathway of heterogeneous phase TiO2 nanorodarrays

14:20-14:40 pm: Wen Ta Yang
A facile aerosol-assisted self-assembly synthesis of highly dispersed CuO-TiO2 mesosphere to enhance Ethonalphotoreforming

14:40-15:00 pm: Ren Wei Chang
Enhancing CO2 performance by teteaethylenepentamines introduced nitrogen doped mesoporous carbon

15:00-15:20 pm: Yu Thung Liaw
Copper oxide nanoparticles supported on layered double hydroxide as catalyst for CO oxidation

15:20-15:40 pm: Ju Yen Shen
The mechanism of chlorine evolutions reactions for Pt-oxide–support electrodes

15:40-16:00 pm: Wan Jou Chang
Removal kinetics of arsenic by nanoscale zerovalent iron

16:00-16:20 pm: Closing Remarks