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NTU Research Center for Future Earth


Workshop on Understanding the Pan-Pacific Anthropocene


Date: October 27, 2018

Venue: B1 Conference Room, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University


Human intelligence and activities have become an unprecedented new geological force, changing our atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and even geosphere. The Pan-Pacific realm, with richness of civilizations, has been experiencing severe environmental pollution and ecological crisis, associated with swift regional economic development over the past decades. In this international workshop, we emphasize the international concern between human activity and hydroclimate changes, especially the anthropogenic impact on the Pan-Pacific region. It is also the 2nd workshop before the 1st annual Conference on Pan-Pacific Anthropocene (ConPPA) for the Preparation Committee of the Association of Pan-Pacific Anthropocene (APPA).



08:30-8:50 am: Check in
08:50-9:00 am: Opening and welcome remarks


Session 1: Modern and proxy records (1) / Chair: Dr. C.-C. Shen
09:00-09:30 am: Dr. Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica 
Reduced TC activity and enhanced anticyclone in the WNP in a warmer world- projection and mechanism


09:30-10:00 am: Dr. Ashish Sinha, Dept. of Earth Sciences, California State University
Anthropogenic forcing of Indian Summer Monsoon


10:00-10:30 am: Dr. Stacy Carolin, Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck
Understanding the selective western tropical Pacific rainfall response to abrupt climate events sourced from the North Atlantic


10:30-10:50 am: Coffee Break


Session 2: Modern and proxy records (2) /Chair: Dr. Abby Ren
10:50-11:20 am: Dr. Yusuke Yokoyama, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Climate change and anthropogenic environmental signals captured in high-resolution coral skeletal geochemistry


11:20-11:50 am: Dr. Kristine DeLong, Dept. of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Hydroclimate change from corals and other paleoclimate archives: Insights from the CoralHydro2K and Iso2K Synthesis Projects


11:50 am-12:20 pm: Dr. Shaw-Chen Liu, Institute for Environment and Climate Research, Jinan University 
Trends of haze days in four major polluted regions in China


12:20-14:00 pm: Lunch


Session 3: Historic and archaeological records / Chair: Dr. Kristine L. DeLong
14:00-14:30 pm: Dr. Pao-Kuan Wang, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica 
Construction of the REACHES climate database based on historical documents of China


14:30-15:00 pm: Dr. Ivy Hui-Yuan Yeh, School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
The desertification of the ancient oases in Han dynasty (202 BC–220 AD) in Northwestern China


Session 4: Biodiversity and geohazards / Chair: Dr. Ivy Hui-Yuan Yeh 
15:00-15:30 pm: Dr. I-Ching Chen, Dept. of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University
 Weaking of winter monsoon, not cloud cover change, determines the climate variability in montane cloud forest


15:30-16:00 pm: Dr. Tso-Ren Wu , Graduate Institute of Hydrological & Oceanic Sciences, National Central University
If the 1960 Chile tsunami event had occurred in a different location along the Peru-Chile Trench


16:00-16:20 pm Coffee Break


16:50-17:20 pm: Panel discussion: APPA, the 1st ConPPA on May 14-17, 2019


National Taiwan University Research Center for Future Earth
Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica
Preparation Committee of the Association of Pan-Pacific Anthropocene (APPA)
Quaternary Research Group, Geological Society Located in Taipei