2019 National Taiwan University Future Earth Lectureship
Introduction to Volume Geography / 量體地理學:從二維到3D
Speaker: Prof. Shiuh-Shen Crison Chien / 簡旭伸教授
Dec 03 (Tue.) 12:30~14:00
Room 101, Dept. Geography / 臺大地理系館1F地理一教室
Dialogue in Social and Chemical Affinities / 社會與化學親合力
Speaker: Prof. Chih Yuan Woon (National University of Singapore)
Dec 04 (Wed.) 14:30~16:00
Venue:Room 202, Dept. Geography/ 臺大地理系館202會議室
Geopolitics of Evacuation and Emergence / 緊急與疏散的地緣政治
Speaker: Prof. Chih Yuan Woon (National University of Singapore)
Dec 13 (Fri.) 12:30~14:00
Room 202 (Front building), Global Change Building / 臺大全球變遷研究中心前棟2樓G202室
The End: Imagining Earth Futures in Planetary Evacuation /全球末日與大疏散:地理學的視野
Speaker:Peter Adey (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Dec 17 (Tue.) 15:30~17:30
Room 305, Dept. Geography / 臺大地理館305教室
Workshop: Humanity and Social Science Understandings on Earth System Dynamics: Taiwan Experience /超越兩種文化:地球科學與人文社會科學的對話)
Dec 19 (Thu.) 9:30~12:30
Room 102, Dept. Geography / 地理館1F地理二教室
NTU Research Center for Future Earth
NTU International Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development
NTU Department of Geography